Crime is defined as breaking the law, which may result in criminal proceedings.
Deviance is defined as behaviour that deviates from the accepted norms and values in society
Crime and Deviancy are relative/socially constructed
Time- homosexuality illegal until 1967 in UK, gay marriage in 2013
Place- age of consent is 16 in UK but 14 in Italy and Germany
Person- drinking alcohol is illegal for under 16's but not for adults
Cicourel - Interactionist
Working class youth are more likely to have a criminalrecord than middle class youth due to policebias, despite nodifference in their behaviour.
Becker - Interactionist
Deviant behaviour is behaviour that is labelled as such
Social order is defined as the general order or conformity to shared norms and values
Social control is defined as the process by which people are persuaded to obey rules and conform. Agents of social control, such as police and courts, are used to do this.
Two types of social control
Informal social control - subtle control through positive and negative sanctions by agencies such as media, family, and peers.
Formal social control - carried out by agencies specifically set up to control our behaviour, such as police, courts, and the army.