half-module 3

Cards (3)

  • Sample Topics for a Concept Paper:
    1. Animal Cruelty
    2. Energy Insufficiency
    3. Human Rights Violation
    4. Pre-Marital Sex and Early Pregnancy
    5. Drug Addiction
    6. Population Explosion
    7. Extrajudicial Killing (Criminal Injustice)
    8. Women Empowerment
  • Some of the most famous (many of which are ongoing and/or evolving) include:
    1. The Reformation
    2. The abolition of the transatlantic slave trade
    3. The Civil Rights movement
    4. The feminist movement
    5. The LGBTQ+ rights movement
    6. The green movement
  • This is especially true of a global society. Why does social change matter? Here are 10 reasons:
    1. Social change gets the world closer to gender equality
    2. Social change improves worker rights
    3. Social change protects the LGBTQ+ community
    4. Social change improves racial equality
    5. Social change is good for business
    6. Social change helps the environment
    7. Social change keeps governments accountable
    8. Social change addresses problems at the root
    9. Social change empowers citizens
    10. Social change makes life better for future generations