Total obscuration of the Sun by the Moon, possible because the
angular size of Moon equals Sun’s
Total Solar Eclipse
Eclipses occur on Line of Nodes:
Earth-Moon-Sun must be in line
When the tip of moon’s umbra doesn’t quite reach the earth
Annular Solar Eclipse
(Noon-to-noon = 24 hours) is rotation period with respect to the Sun
Solar day
4 minutes longer than the true rotation period of the Earth with respect to the stars called the
Sidereal day
Rotation of the earth
1 solar day
Revolution around the sun
365.2422 days
Orbital period of moon
1 month = 29.5306 days
Roman Julian Calendar year
365 days + leap year
Gregorian reform
Century years not divisible by 400 are ordinary years, not leap years
Position of the north star changes due to the slow precession of the Earth’s axis due to the gravity of the Sun – just like the wobbling axis of a spinning top