Earth’s Orbit and the Seasons

Cards (15)

  • Around Full Moon
    Lunar Eclipse
  • Total or partial obscuration
    Umbra and Penumbra
  • Dark part of the shadow

  • Lighter part of the shadow
  • Total obscuration of the Sun by the Moon, possible because the
    angular size of Moon equals Sun’s
    Total Solar Eclipse
  • Eclipses occur on Line of Nodes:
    Earth-Moon-Sun must be in line
  • When the tip of moon’s umbra doesn’t quite reach the earth
    Annular Solar Eclipse
  • (Noon-to-noon = 24 hours) is rotation period with respect to the Sun
    Solar day
  • 4 minutes longer than the true rotation period of the Earth with respect to the stars called the
    Sidereal day
  • Rotation of the earth
    1 solar day
  • Revolution around the sun
    365.2422 days
  • Orbital period of moon
    1 month = 29.5306 days
  • Roman Julian Calendar year
    365 days + leap year
  • Gregorian reform
    Century years not divisible by 400 are ordinary years, not leap years
  • Position of the north star changes due to the slow precession of the Earth’s axis due to the gravity of the Sun – just like the wobbling axis of a spinning top