
Cards (25)

  • carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses emitted over the full life cycle of a product
  • environmental implication is the effect that an activity has on the environment
  • climate change is the change in the average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time
  • greenhouse gases include water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane. They maintain Earths temperatures high enough to support life
  • pollutants are substances released into the environment that have undesired effects
  • in the atmosphere, there is 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen and small proportions of other gases
  • evidence about earths early atmosphere is limited because of the time scale of 4.6 billion years and changing theories
  • The early atmosphere started off like how mars and venus is today, mainly carbon dioxide and little to no oxygen
  • volcanoes produced nitrogen which gradually built up in the atmosphere and there may have been small amounts of methane and ammonia
  • water vapour condensing formed the oceans
  • CO2 dissolved in the water and carbonates were precipitated reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
  • Plants and algae produced oxygen through photosynthesis
  • carbon dioxide + water ( in presence of light) glucose and oxygen
  • photosynthesis also decreased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
  • carbon dioxide was decreased by the formation of sedimentary rocks that contain carbon and by the production of fossil fuels from ded plants and animals when they decayed
  • electromagnetic radiation from the sun passes through the earths atmosphere
    The earth absorbed some of this and heats up allowing life on earth some heat is radiated as infra red radiation
    some of this radiation is absorbed by greenhouses gases in the atmosphere
    atmosphere warms up which causes global warming
  • Driving , consuming electricity , raising livestock , and burning fossil fuels are all examples of human activities that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
  • climate change can cause the extinction of species, raising sea levels , migration , and crop failure
  • the atmosphere is 78% nitrogen
  • the atmosphere is 21% oxygen
  • scientists cant be certain about early atmosphere
  • scientists think what released the gases that form the atmosphere
  • as the earth cooled the water vapour condensed to form the oceans
  • the early atmosphere was mainly carbon dioxide
  • why did the atmosphere lose its carbon dioxide
    some dissolved in the oceans and formed precipitates and carbonate rock
    made shells and corals of organisms ---- when died formed limestone
    photosynthetic plants
    carbon can be trapped in fossil fuels