Rs- relationships

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Cards (19)

  • Different types of families:
    • Nuclear (the most common type of modern family)
    • Extended family
    • Reconstituted family(step-parents and step-children families)
    • Single parent family
    • childless family
  • Christian teachings on marriage:
    • marriage is the basis of family life
    • it is a god-given sacrament
    • It is the best environment for bringing children into the world
    • it is a lifelong commitment
    • It is a rite of passage full of symbolism
  • L- lifelong commitment
    O- obedience to God
    V- vows are taken in God's presence so are binding
    E- extending the christian family (procreation)
  • Key quotes for marriage and families:
    LB- "a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife" (genesis 2)
    LB- it should be the start of a christian life together " it is not good for man to be alone" (genesis 2)
    RC- women made from Adam's rib 'a helper'
    RC- "wives submit yourselves to your own husbands" St Paul in Ephesians 5
    NR- Traditional boundaries are outdated
    NR- Gender does not define family roles
  • Christian attitudes to cohabitation:
    LB- They are tolerant of cohabitation but believe marriage is the ideal- "A step along the way to the fuller commitment of marriage"
    RC- Believe it is wrong as pre-marital sex is fornication- sec joins a couple as "one flesh" (genesis 2) which can only happen in marriage
  • Christian attitudes to adultery:
    • LP/RC- Breaks the 7th commandment- "thou shalt not commit adultery" (exodus 20)
    • LP- Pre marital sex may be acceptable- sex can be unitive as well as creative
    • RC- marriage is a sacrament- "sexuality is ordered to the conjugal love of man and woman" (catechism)
  • Attitudes to divorce:
    • LP- Can be the 'lesser of two evils'- "some marriages fail for all sorts of sad and painful reasons" (C of E statement)
    • RC- Jesus' teachings are absolute so divorce is always wrong-" what God has united man must not divide"
    • NR-marriage is not "sacred"-unhappy marriages cause misery
  • Beliefs around the nature and purpose of sex:
    • LP- Unitive as well as creative- sexual desire and relationships are celebrated in the bible, e.g. song of Solomon
    • RC- Part of christian duty- married couples should "transmit human life" (catechism)
    • NR- does not need to be creative- sex is not a sin and should be a healthy part of a stable relationship
  • Attitudes to contraception:
    • LP- Can improve quality of life- "love thy neighbour" they believe in protecting women's health and preventing the spread of STI's
    • RC- creative as well as unitive- reproduction is a 'primary precept'
    • NR- can improve quality if life- If contraception 'results in every child being a wanted must be a good thing"(BHA)
  • Attitudes to same sex relationships:
    • LP- accept it is not someone's choice but rather their nature- Good samaritan, "love thy neighbour" (Luke 10)
    • RC- sex can't be creative so isn't acceptable- God tells Adam and Eve to "Be fruitful and multiply"
    • RC- Homosexuality is a sin- "under no circumstances can homosexual acts be approved"(Catechism)
    • NR- pro same sex marriage- no reason to disapprove
  • Attitudes to roles of women in worship/authority:
    • LP- promote gender equality- "neither male or female in Christ" (St Paul, Galatians 3)
    • RC- Do not ordain women- cannot take on Jesus' roles in the eucharist
    • NR- against sexism- wrong for religion to be able to discriminate against women