Another explanation for forgetting- retrieval failure
We forget due to not having the presence of cues to access memories,not due to interference
Decreases validity- doesn’t explain allaspects that may result in our forgetting
Weakness- Testability:
BADDELEY- tasks given to participants in experiments (e.g. memorisingwordlists) are too close in time to each other, unlike how we experience memory in reallife (more spacedout over time)
Decreases validity- lacks testing / application in real-life due to artificialstimuli used
Strength- Supporting Evidence McGeoch & William (1931)
Participants had to learn 10 words until they could repeat them with 100% Accuracy (given the sameoriginal word list) Then given a new list depending on their groups
Group 1- synonyms
Group 2- antonyms
Group 3- wordsunrelated to original list
Group 4- nonsensesyllables
Group 5- 3-digitnumbers
Group 6- no new list- retested
Group 1-worst recall of first list, Group 6-best recall of first list
Increases validity- evidence of the effect of similarity on interference