Resistance to social influence

Cards (23)

  • What is one reason people resist social influence?
    Social support
  • How does social support help resist conformity?
    Encouragement from others to disagree
  • What effect does disobedience of others have on obedience?
    It makes it easier to resist obedience
  • Who first proposed the concept of locus of control?
  • What does an internal locus of control imply?
    You are responsible for your life events
  • How do people with a high internal locus of control behave?
    They resist pressures to conform or obey
  • What characterizes an external locus of control?
    Life is controlled by external forces
  • What is independent behavior?
    Not influenced by group norms
  • What is anti-conformity?
    Refusal to conform based on principle
  • What traits are associated with anti-conformity?
    High self-esteem and low anxiety
  • What is reactance in social influence?
    Doing the opposite of what told
  • What is illegitimate authority?
    Questioning the authority figure's trust
  • How can personality traits affect disobedience?
    They can influence resistance to authority
  • What concept did Seligman study related to obedience?
    Learned helplessness
  • What is learned helplessness?
    Belief that actions won't affect outcomes
  • How does learned helplessness affect obedience?
    Increases susceptibility to obedience
  • What are the advantages of resisting social influence?
    • Evidence from Albrecht et al (2006) in Teen Fresh Start USA - Found that those who had a mentor were less likely to smoke than a control group of pps who didn’t have mentors - evidence for social support
    • Support from Gamson et al (1982) on dissenting peers - in a smear campaign 29 out of 33 groups of pps rebelled due to social support
    • Evidence from Holland (1967) repeated Milgram's study but after measuring LOC of ppts - found that internals showed greater resistance to authority
  • What are the disadvantages of resisting social influence?
    • Contradictory research by Twenge et al (2004)
    • Increased resistance but more external locus of control
    • Challenges validity of locus of control as an explanation
  • What did Albrecht et al (2006) find about mentoring and smoking resistance?
    Mentored adolescents smoked less than controls
  • What was the outcome of Gamson et al (1982) study on group resistance?
    88% of groups rebelled against authority
  • What did Holland (1967) discover about internals in Milgram's study?
    Internals showed greater resistance to authority
  • What did Twenge et al (2004) find about obedience trends over 40 years?
    People became more resistant but more external
  • Why do people resist social influence?
    • Social support
    • Locus of control - proposed by Rotter
    • Independent behaviour - individual isn't influenced by norms of the grp
    • Anti-conformity
    • Reactance = process when you do the opposite of what you are told to do to protect your personal freedom
    • Illegitimate authority