However in Moscovici's study the figure for agreement with a consistent minority was still low (8.42%) suggesting that minority influence due to consistency alone is rare and not a comprehensive explanation. Furthermore, Moscovici's data may lack ecological validity as artificial conditions do not reflect real world scenarios questioning the generalisability of the results. Moreover there is a high risk of demand characteristics as participants may alter their behaviour based on their interpretation of the purpose of the experiment. Finally, Moscovici's experiment had a limited sample size in terms of diversity, as his participants consisted of 172 American females. In order to provide a comprehensive explanation for minority influence, a more diverse sample was needed e.g. gender and culture to ensure the results can be generalised to society as a whole rather than American male students, for example America is an individualist country (where conformity is less common) so results could differ in collectivist cultures like Asia. Furthermore, volunteer sampling has weaknesses as particular dispositions may be more inclined to volunteer.