business prioritises product's design quality or performance rather than meeting customer preferences to guide production and marketing decisions
apple iphones, gilette razior blades, sony walkman
Market orientation
customer-centered approach to product design. It involves market research aimed at determining what consumers view as their immediate needs, primary concerns, or personal preferences within a particular product category
audi car, chosen by you asda groceries, amazon
Market orientated, customer is priority and listens to wants and needs - advantages
meet customer needs
be more competitive
adapt quickly
Market orientation disadvantages
continuous market research, timely and costly
competition also market-orientated
Product orientation prioritises product's design quality/performance rather than customer needs advantages
product sells itself
focus on production capabilities
Product orientation disadvantages
competitors may be market-orientated, meets needs better
high research and developmentcosts
missed opportunites
advantages PO
customer satisfaction
increased brand loyalty
Market research is the process of gathering information about a market or customer base in order to make informed decisions about a product or service.
Primary research is the first hand information gathered by the researcher. It is usually done by asking questions to the respondents.
Why do businesses collect market research data?
assess potential demand for product
promotional benefits and best option for launch of product
assess competition, where do potential customers shop, substitute or complementarygoods?
Examples of primary research: surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, experiments
Advantages of market search
reduces risk and cost of making poor decisions
develop marketing plan based on data
Advantages of primary research
data is up to date and relevant
interpret data better
detailed insight
Disadvantages of market research
research could not give enough information
data could be inaccurate or misleading
data is non-specific to business
reliability differs
Disadvantages of primary research
time consuming
survey bias, research samples not representative
Secondary research is data that has already been collected and is available to the researcher.
Examples of secondary research: newspapers, magazines, books, websites, and databases.
Advantages of secondary research
variety of research methods and examples
Disadvantages secondary research
out of date
non specific
Quantitative data is data that can be measured, counted, or calculated.
Examples of quantitative data: - Number of people who visited a website - Number of people who watched a TV advertisement - Number of people who bought a product
Qualitative data seeks to gather and explore feelings and thoughrs about a product from consumers
Qualitative data examples
focus group discussions
observations of buyer behaviour
How can IT be used to support market research
company websites
social networking
Benefits of using IT to aid market research
higher response rates
engage customers
global reach, cheap and fast to reach wide audience
Drawbacks of using IT to aid market research
robots risk, need genuine users to prove valid
cannot control who takes part in research
Social media, market research
onlinesurveys, follower count, hashtags, success and reviews of product launch
Effective market research
reduce risk
understand consumer behaviour
quantify potential consumer demand
find out how much consumers are willing to pay
Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market into smaller groups of customers with similar needs and characteristics
Examples of market segmentation: Age, Gender, Income, Location, Lifestyle, Occupation, Products, Purchasing Power
Benefits of market segmentation
easier to research needs of segment
design product meeting needs
focus advertising to segment
Drawbacks of market segmentation
difficulty in identifying most important segment for business
failure to meet needs of customers not including segment