structured programming

Cards (9)

  • subroutine
    a named ‘out of line’ block of code that may be executed (called) by simply writing its name in a program statement
  • the two examples of subroutines
    • functions
    • procedures
  • in general, a function interface includes:
    • identifier – the name of the function (this should be descriptive)
    • parameters – these are the function input (these must be passed in to the subroutine when it is called)
    • process – the ‘doing’ stuff
    • output – the return value
  • advantages of structured programming
    • easier to understand and modify
    • modules (sections of code) can also be reused which reduces development time and it is
    • easier to independently test the individual modules
  • local variables
    • variables created within a subroutine are called
    • these are only available for use in the function or procedure and once the subroutine ends, they are destroyed
  • global variables
    • variables created outside of a procedure or function
    • it is best to avoid using these as they take up memory and increase the chance of naming clashes which could lead to bugs
    • if we want to get a value INTO a subroutine, we need to pass it in as a parameter
    • this is a value inside a bracket after the subroutine identifier
    • when we call the subroutine, we need to specify what these values are
    • if we want to get a local variable OUT OF a subroutine, we need to tell the function to RETURN that value
    • this is then stored as a variable in the program that called the function in the same way you would store a value from a user’s input
    • a function is a type of subroutine that returns a value
    • a procedure is a type of subroutine that does not return a value