
Cards (3)

  • hyperinflation was caused first by the french occupation of the renr in 1923 when 60, 000 french+ belgian troops stormed into the ruthv, planning to take their reparations from Germany's pure materials. The weimar gov. ordered the worked in the ruhr to go on strike, and begin passive resistance. This meant that Germany was no longer making profits from its most profitable industrial area, causing the gov. to print more money to pay the workers
  • short term effects:
    . many workers wages could not keep up with the rising prices
    . those on fixed income, such aspensioners were hit hardest
    . people with savings found these savings were now worth nothing, and millions of german were plunged into poverty
  • long term effects:
    . the weimar republic was severly weakened, with lots of poverty
    . mans gennam blamed the govenment, and those who lost their savings were never compensated
    . many people remembered this damage and no longer wanted democracy