2.3 Cell Division and replication

Cards (13)

  • Mitosis
    process where a single cell divides into 2 identical daughter cells
  • Purpose of mitosis
    growth and to replace worn out cells
  • Consequences of mistakes being made during mitosis
    changes in DNA, can lead to genetic disorders
  • The 5 phases of mitosis
    interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
  • interphase
    -DNA copied-2 centrosomes outside nucleus-microtubules extend from centrosomes
  • prophase
    -chromosomes condense-each chromosome has 2 sister chromatids-chromosomes pair up-nuclear membrane dissolves-mitotic spindle extends across the cell
  • Metaphase
    Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
  • Anaphase
    sister chromatids separate
  • telophase
    membrane forms around the separated chromosomescell pinches in the middle
  • 3 phases of binary fission
    DNA replication, chromosomal segregation, separation
  • DNA replication
    copies the singular, circular chromosome
  • Chromosomal segregation
    separates chromosomes through it attaching to different parts of the bacterial cell membrane
  • Separation
    splits cytoplasm