The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “you could not discover the limits of the soul, even if you
traveled by every path in order to do so; such is depth of
its meaning.”
Keat went to explain soul-making as a process where
the basic seed of divine intelligence in all humans goes
through necessary experiences, especially suffering, that
transform the intelligence into a unique soul.
Soul making - An alternative venue for knowing ourselves and looking into the depths and real meaning of what we are doing for everyday life.
Soulmaking can be innate gift or a learned skill, or a combination of both.
Soulmaking- form of creating stories or transforming short moments into an image or symbol.
Semantic and grammatical rules - important elements to be considered in soulmaking.
Context and symbols - considered to interpret and analyze either written or verbal works.
Style - distinctive handling of elements and media associated with the work.
Artwork - what the audience sees (finished product)
Form - the totality of the artwork
Content - includes form, subject matter and underlying meanings or themes.
Crafting stories - when an infividual writes down his or her own personal feedback, life values, deep feelings, ideals, ideas, and even high and low emotions.
Crafting instruments - are treated as a "bridge to the unknown because the instrument creates sounds that exceed our thoughts, emotions, and sensations.
Crafting movements - for artists who are more inclined to _ _, the pattern that life serves a person provides a source of inspiration.
Crafting techniques - artist's reflection of his life and experiences in any piece of art.
Soul-Making is a metaphor The term soul making is a
The word “metaphor” is comprised of two Greek words –
meta–means above and phero-means to carry.
Seeking - point of self-recognition and that each of us is a seeker.
Settling - communication with the soul, with other human and non-human beings.
Surrender - takes us up and throw us down; calls or the wounds we bear to be accepted; forces us to spend time living in the darkness.
Soulmaking - where we start growing up with some wisdom looking for the welfare of others.
Soaring - conquering our worldly experiences of the material realities to travel, which does not happen if we only want to fly.
Improvisation - doing something without prior preparation in an original way.
Performing arts - on the spot
Music - occurs during a solo performance.
Theatre - plays without pre-written dialogue or ad lib when actors forget their line.
Appropriation - Ownership generally pertains to the general right of a person or an individual
to control an object purchased or in his possession.
Copyright – the person who
created the work – exclusive
rights to reproduce,
todisplay publicly, to make
and distribute copies, and to
prepare derivative
works based on the original
artwork, as well as to
authorize those mentioned
Appropriation - Refers to borrowing images that are recognizable from different sources and using these borrowed images to make a new art form.
Plagiarism - process of practice of using another person's ideas or work and pretending that it is your own.
Forgery - crime of false making or copying of something.