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  • white maize: most important substitute
    staple in rice shortage
  • corn is the second largest crop grown in the Philippines
  • yellow corn: used as animal feed, industrial raw material (ethanol), food processing ingredient
  • Parts of a corn plant
    Tassel- the male part of the corn plant that contains the pollen and is located at the top of the corn plant
    Ear - female inflorescence
    Silk - style
  • Insect Pests Classification
    1. Based on Mouthparts - chewing, sucking, boring
    2. Based on Host Plants - grains, crucifer, cucurbits, solanaceous, legumes, fruit crops, plantation, rootcrops, stored products
    3. Based in Damage to Crops - defoliators, transmit diseases, bore holes on stems, leaves, & fruits, leaf folders/rollers, discolorations/deformations, stunted growth
  • Insect Pests Major Representatives
    1. Protista moesta - common grass derbid, nymph & adult, loss of plant vigor; vector; galling
  • 2. Melicodes tenebrosa - grasshopper, nymph, adult, bore holes on stem, leaves and fruit defoliation
  • 3. Phaneroptera sp. - common katydid, nymph, adult, bore holes on stems, leaves and fruits defoliation
  • 4. Chrysodeixis sp. - commono semilooper, larvae, bore holes on leaves
  • 5. Spodoptera litura - common cutworm, larvae, bore holes on stems
  • Spodopter frugiperda - fall armyworm, larvae, bore holes on leaves; defoliation
  • Ostrinia furnacalis - asiatic corn borer, larvae, boring into stalks
  • Peregrinus maidis - corn planthopper, nymph and adult, droplets of honeydew
  • Atherigona sp. - corn seedling maggot, larvae, leaf lesions
  • Rhopalosiphum maidis - corn aphid, nymph and adult, sooty molds
  • Aulacophora indica - squash beetle, nymph and adult, sooty molds
  • Helicoverpa armigera - corn earworm, larvae, feeds on tassels and ears
  • Leucopholis irrorata - june beetle, larvae and adult, root pruning
  • Puccina polysora - corn leaf rust, small and circular blisters
  • Ustilago maydis - corn smut, galls on aboveground parts
  • Perenosclerospora sp. - downy mildew, white/yellow streaks at the BASE then on the entire leaf blade
  • Rhizoctonia solani - sheath blight, oval gray lesions
  • Diplodia sp. - ear rot, straw-colored lesions from the base of the ear
  • Erwinia sp. - bacterial stalk rot, eventual wilting of lowermost leaves
  • Maize dwarf mosaic virus - corn mosaic, Narrow, pale yellow streaks on leaves parallel to leaf vein
  • Dactyloctenium aegypsium - crowfoot grass
  • Eleusine indica - goosegrass
  • Paspalidium flavidum - paspalidium
  • Rottboellia cochinchinensis - itch grass
  • Imperata cylindrica - cogon grass
  • Cyperus rotundus - purple nutsedge
  • Ageratum conyzoides - tropic ageratum
  • Celosia argentea - celosia, cock's comb
  • Cleome rutidosperma - spindletop
  • Euphorbia hirta - tawa-tawa, garden spurge
  • Heliotropium indicum - indian heliotrope
  • Ipomea triloba - three-lobed morning glory
  • Portulaca oleracea - common purslane
  • Synedrella nodiflora - synedrella
  • Amaranthus spinosus - spiny amaranth