Limited Liability - The owner of a business is not personally liable for the debts of the business.
Unlimited Liability - The owner of a business is personally responsible for all debts and obligations of the business.
Implications of limited Liability - People who own shares in a business can lose on their inital investment.
Implications of Limited liability - the business owner can't have personal assets seized
sole trader - Business owned by one person, unlimted liability, employees dont won the business.
Private Limited Company (Ltd.) - company made by friends or family, shares can't be traded publically, and there is limited liability.
franchise - a license given out to businesses to allow it to trade using the brand format.
Franchisees operate under the same marketing mix as the franchiser. This often comes with a start up fee for the franchisee.
Royality - a franchisee has to pay royalies to the franchisor
Low cost strategy - low costs means a product can be mass produced.
business plans are used when applying for a bank loan to show the plans for the business and the loan.
business plans identify the aims and objectives of the business
business plans identify the target market for the product or service.
cashflow forecast - a graph that represents the cashflow of a business over a period of time and is used to predict what it will be like in the coming months.
Business plans help reduce the rusk of failure in a business.