Fundamental: matter of survival for the government
The purpose is to raise revenue for public needs so that people may be enabled to live in a civilized society
Fiscal policy influences direction and structure of money supply, prices, and national economy
Fiscal adequacy is where the source of revenue as a whole must be sufficient
Equality/ Theoretical justice is based on the taxpayer's ability to pay
Administrative feasibility is the tax systems where it must be clear to taxpayers
Eminent Domain where it expropriate private property for public use upon payment of a just compensation
Direct tax is the one who absorbs tax or bears it
Ad valorem tax is a fixed proportion
Progressive tax is where the tax rate increases as the tax base increases
Regressive tax is where the effective rate decreases as the base increases
Proportional tax is a fixed percentage
Capitalization is one of the special forms of backward shifting in forms of escape
Evasion is an illegal effort in forms of escape
Avoidance is legally permissible in forms of escape
Local Taxations is valid for public purpose
Article VI, Section 28 in the constitution states that the rule of taxation shall be uniform and equitable and congress shall have progressive system of taxation
The National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) is the primary source of law on income taxes.