asymmetrical layouts, the use of photography rather than illustrations, the use of white space
the swiss style is known for its ____, ____, and ____
clarity, simplicity, objectivity
what does it mean to appreciate the swiss style?
toappreciatethetypefacesthatstarted it all
those who taugh swiss style argued that design should focus on ____ and not on ____ ____
content and not decorative extras
how does swiss style eliminate distractions for the viewer and allows the information-heavy design to be read and studied rather than seen and admired?
the ____ marked the separation of design from fine art, and with it, the birth of grid-based design
19th century
one of the main masters of swiss design, recognized for his simple designs and clean use of typography, shapes, and colors
josef muller-brockmann
josef muller brockmann's work was founded on strict proportional guidelines, called ____ _____ _____
the golden section
neue grafik in english is called the ____ ____ ____ ____
why did some designers superimpose the golden section on the camera lens?
sothe models and objects would line up perfectly intheframe
the strongest work was ____ and ____
dynamic, piercing
color was used to ____ ____, ____ a ____ ____, and ____ ____ ____
to highlightinformation, createafocalpoint, largecolorfields
swiss style: functional (uses black and white photography)
straightforward, objective, sharp
one of the most popular and commonly used typefaces because it works well when used in a variety of ways
what made helvetica so popular today?
it is ubiquitous because it fulfills so many demands for modern type
who created the helvetica font?
max miedinger
what was helvetica's original name?
neue haas grotesk
designers take lessons from the swiss styles applying the norms on simple yet artistically and clearly delivered messages by (8):