Found MZ twins showed a concordance rate of 87% fr obsessive symptoms compared to 47% in non-identical (DZ)
Therefore genetic factors are moderately important
OCD Family Study:
Frontelle et al (2004) - compared patients with OCD in Brazil, N America, Europe, Africa and Asia. generally there was an early on set of the disorder in all cultures with a mix of Os and Cs. The core features of ocd are independent of cuoltural variation
BZs are used to reduce anxiety by slowing down the activity of the CNS
Side effects of BZs include increased aggressiveness and long-term memory impairment
Developmental norms - the typical patterns of development that are expected for a particular age group (e.g it would be normal for a 1-year-old to be carried everywhere but not a 17-year-old)
Mowrer created the two-process model
Van Grootheest et al (2005) = All OCD studies found higher concordance rate for MZ over DZ twins but for MZ twins concordance rates weren’t 100% therefore environment has some effect not just genes