Harry Potter II

Subdecks (1)

Cards (204)

  • turn up (v): to arrive at a place or event, especially in a large number
  • conjure up (v): to make (something) appear or seem to exist
  • sumptuous (adj): very expensive and luxurious, especially in food or drink
  • treacle (n): a thick, sticky liquid, especially one used as a sweetener
  • cockcrow (n): the time in the morning when light begins to appear and the cock (= a male chicken) crows (= makes a sound):
  • trundle (v): to move slowly and noisily, especially in a vehicle
  • skid (v): to move slowly and unsteadily, especially on ice or snow
  • halt (n): a stop or pause in the action of something, especially a temporary one
  • briskly (adv): quickly and energetically; briskly and efficiently
  • thump (n): a loud, sudden sound, especially one made by hitting something with a fist
  • indignantly (adv): in a way that shows you are angry or annoyed
  • What in blazes:
  • hollow (adj): having a hole or empty space inside
  • screech (n): a loud, piercing cry, especially one made by a bird or animal
  • cavernous (adj): If something is cavernous, there is a very large open space inside it
  • ignition (n): the process of starting a fire by burning a fuel, especially a gasoline-based fuel
  • pummel (v): to hit or beat with a heavy object, especially a fist or a club
  • accelerator (n): a device that increases the speed of an object by causing it to collide with another object
  • swirl (n): to move quickly with a twisting, circular movement
  • turret (n): a tower or structure having a circular or semicircular base and a pointed or conical top
  • purplish (adj): almost purple in colour
  • moor (n): a large area of wet ground covered with vegetation, especially heather
  • uneventful (adj): nothing interesting or surprising happens
  • misty (adj): containing mist; hazy
  • dampen (v): make something less strong or intense by adding water or moisture
  • wear off (v): to become less effective or powerful after a period of time
  • croak (v): deep rough sounds.
  • longingly (adv): with a longing look or feeling, especially for something that is not available or that you have lost
  • canopy (n): the layer of leaves in a forest or other tree
  • feebly (adv): weakly, not very strongly, not very much
  • cajolingly (adv): persuading someone to do something by being nice and gentle
  • jets of steam (n): A blast of steam issuing from a nozzle.
  • bonnet (n): a hat, especially a large, flat, round one, esp. one worn by women in the 19th century; nắp xe
  • wobble (n): a slight movement of a letter or group of letters in a word
  • clunk (n): a loud noise caused by a machine or vehicle moving or stopping suddenly
  • splutter (n): a sudden, short burst of sound, especially one that is harsh or unpleasant
  • arc (n): a circle or segment of a circle
  • soar over (v): to fly very high in the air, especially in a plane or helicopter
  • whack (v): to hit or strike suddenly and violently with a blow, especially with the open hand
  • plummet (v): to fall rapidly and sharply in height or velocity