tricky words reading

Cards (23)

  • c'est mieux que = better
  • un sondage = survey
  • voter pour quelquechose = to vote for something
  • faire partie d'un group = to be part of a group
  • être en train de = i am in the process of
  • être accro à = to be addicted
  • faciliter = to help
  • quand on en q'un = when one has one of
  • un retraité = retire
  • j'ai besoin de = i need
  • naître = to be born
  • je suis né = i was born
  • suivre = to follow
  • chacun(e) = everyone
  • l'ainé(e) = eldest
  • le cadet = the youngest
  • non seulement = not unique
  • se déplacer = to move around
  • dont = of which/whose
  • un outil = a tool
  • on entend parler de = people talk about / you hear
  • un bon moyen = a good way
  • il faut = you've got to