Cards (6)

  • The autonomic nervous system is concerned with maintaining a stable
    internal environment by playing a part in homeostasis
  • The autonomic nervous system consists of two divisions, sympathetic and parasympathetic.
  • On stimulation the sympathetic system arouses the body in preparation for action and expenditure of energy
  • The hormone adrenalin helps to sustain the arousal effect until the emergency is dealt with
  • Taking a defensive stand or running away both require vast amounts of extra energy - This is supplied by the increased blood flow to the muscles
  • When the excitement is over the parasympathetic system takes over for a brief spell calming the body down, returning it to normal.

    • Heart rate and blood pressure drop
    • Peristalsis in intestine increases
    • Parasympathetic nerves help body to
    – Conserve resources
    – Store energy