Discuss ways that optimal health and wellbeing can act as a resource:individually
optimal health and wellbeingincreases the ability of individuals to live free from pain and concentrate on activities that improve their lives, such as studying, working and socialising.
Explain how peace may promote two dimensions of health and wellbeing
- Peace means that individuals are at a reduced risk of physical injury that can be caused by conflict (physical health and wellbeing).- Peace can reduce levels of stress, enhancing mentalhealth and wellbeing.- People can leave their homes to socialise, which improves social health and wellbeing.- People can go about their daily activities, which can promote a sense of purpose in life that enhances spiritual health and wellbeing.- People experiencing peace can focus on their day-to-day lives, which may assist them in building resilience and therefore enhance emotional health and wellbeing.
Social justice relates to equal rights for all, regardless of personal traits such as sex, class and income, ethnicity, religion, age or sexual orientation. An example is allowing same sex marriage.
Equity relates to fairness and means that there are minimum levels of income and resources to which all people should have access. An example of equity is low socioeconomic groups receiving income support.
Explain what is meant by a stable ecosystem and discuss why stable ecosystems are important for human life.
A stable ecosystem means that there is balance between the environment and the species that live in the environment, including humans. It means that resources such as food and water are available for human use and can regenerate as quickly as they are used. A stable ecosystem is important for human life because it provides essential resources for humans to live such as food and water. When an ecosystem is unbalanced, resources are used faster than they can regenerate, which can have significant impacts on human health and wellbeing.
Explain how a stable ecosystem may promote three dimensions of health and wellbeing.
A stable ecosystem can provide:food— which assists body systems in functioning adequately (physical)settings for relaxation— which can promote feelings of peace and harmony (spiritual)places for recreation— which can enhance social health and wellbeing if the individual participates with others (social)clean air and water— which can reduce the risk of respiratory conditions (physical)essential resources— which can reduce levels of stress and anxiety (mental).
an individual or group must be able to identify and to realise aspirations, to satisfyneeds, and to change or cope with the environment
importance of health and wellbeing as a resource individually
prevent illness
increasedability to workproductively
importance of health and wellbeing a resource nationally
economic: higherincome, greater productivity
social: improved life expectancy, less strain on health system
importance of health and wellbeing as a resource globally
reduce risk of diseasetransmission
promotes peace
promotes socialdevelopment
promotes economic development
promotes sustainabledevelopment
creates opportunities for children to go to school
why is equity a prerequisite for health at an individual level?
Equity is a prerequisite for health individually because it allows individuals to attend school or work, by giving more resources to those who need it, such as paying for low-income students to buy textbooks, and allows them to participate in their community.
why is equity a prerequisite for health at a global level?
Equity is a prerequisite for health globally because it allows for trade between countries. This is because providing resources to low-income countries allows those countries to participate in trade, which can promote health through global economic growth, because countries can develop their health care resources.