Cards (15)

  • Brand elements include brand names, logo and symbol, characters, slogans, and packaging.
  • Brand names can be descriptive, suggestive, compounds, classical, arbitrary, or fanciful.
  • The naming procedure involves defining objectives, generating names, screening initial candidates, studying the candidate names, researching the final candidate, and selecting the final name.
  • URL’s, or uniform resource locations, specify locations of pages on the web and are also commonly referred to as domain names.
  • Every 3 letter combination and virtually all words in the typical English dictionary have been registered.
  • Companies change their brand name due to the unavailability of simple brand names.
  • Issues related to brand recall, where customers may have difficulty remembering complex or lengthy URLs, can be a problem.
  • Logo and symbol play a critical role in building brand awareness and equity.
  • Characters are a specific type of brand symbol that takes on human or real-life characteristics.
  • Slogans are short phrases that communicate descriptive or persuasive information about the brand.
  • Jingles are musical messages written around the brand with enough catchy hooks and chorus to become almost permanently registered in the minds of the customer.
  • Packaging must achieve several objectives: Identify the brand, Convey descriptive and persuasive information, Facilitate product transportation and protection, Assist at-home storage, Aid product consumption.
  • Packaging can influence taste, value, consumption, and how a person uses a product.
  • Reasons firms change their packaging include not changing the packaging to confuse the customer, not being able to recognize the brands, and wanting to gain short-term gain in sales.
  • Packaging is the 5th P of the marketing mix.