strep & entero

Cards (216)

  • What type of bacteria are Streptococci and Enterococci?
    Catalase negative
  • What type of bacteria are Staphylococci and Micrococci?
    Catalase positive
  • What family do Streptococcus spp. belong to?
  • What is the Gram stain result for Streptococcus spp.?
    Gram (+) cocci in pairs and chains
  • How do Streptococci appear under a microscope compared to Staphylococci?
    Streptococci appear elongated in chains
  • What is the aerotolerance of Streptococci?
    Facultative anaerobes, aerotolerant anaerobes, capnophilic
  • What is a capnophile?
    Requires >5-10% carbon dioxide
  • Can Streptococci ferment glucose, and do they produce gas?
    Yes, but no gas is produced
  • How do Streptococci colonies appear on agar?
    Small and transparent
  • What are the classifications of Streptococci based on hemolytic reactions?
    • β-hemolytic: clear zone, complete lysis
    • α-hemolytic: greenish zone, partial lysis
    • Nonhemolytic: no color change, no lysis
  • What is the serologic specificity of Streptococci determined by?
    An amino sugar in the cell wall
  • What are the group antigens for Streptococci and their carbohydrate content?
    • Group A: rhamnose-N-acetylglucosamine
    • Group B: rhamnose-glucosamine polysaccharide
    • Group C: rhamnose-N-acetylgalactosamine
    • Group D: glycerol teichoic acid
    • Group F: glucopyranosyl-N-acetylgalactosamine
  • What is the significance of the hemolytic pattern in Streptococci?
    It indicates the type of lysis of RBCs
  • What is the role of exotoxins in Streptococci?
    They damage intact RBCs as a virulence factor
  • What are the descriptions of hemolytic patterns in Streptococci?
    • β-hemolytic: complete lysis, clear area
    • α-hemolytic: partial lysis, greening
    • γ-hemolytic: no lysis, no change
  • Who developed the Lancefield classification?
    Rebecca Lancefield
  • What is the common disease association with Group A Streptococcus (S. pyogenes)?
    Rheumatic fever and pharyngitis
  • What is the hemolytic pattern of S. agalactiae (Group B)?
  • What is the disease association with S. pneumoniae?
    Pneumonia and meningitis
  • Why does S. pneumoniae not have a Lancefield classification?
    It lacks antigens and C carbohydrate
  • What are the characteristics of Viridans streptococci?
    • Usually α-hemolytic
    • Group name, not a genus or species
    • Capable of presenting α-hemolytic pattern
  • What is the current terminology for nonhemolytic patterns in Streptococci?
    Nonhemolytic pattern instead of gamma
  • What is the classification of Enterococcus spp.?
    Previously under Streptococci, now reclassified
  • What are the antigen characteristics of Streptococci according to Mahon?
    • Generally acid labile except Antigen B
    • Antigen B is acid stable
    • Other antigens are acid labile
  • Where is Streptococcus pyogenes commonly found?
    Upper respiratory tract
  • What are the virulence factors of Streptococcus pyogenes?
    • M protein: resists phagocytosis
    • Protein F: adheres to epithelial cells
    • Hyaluronic acid capsule: impedes phagocytosis
    • Streptolysins O and S: lyse RBCs
  • What is the function of Streptolysin O?
    Lyses RBC anaerobically
  • What is the function of Streptolysin S?
    Lyses RBC aerobically
  • What are the differences between Streptolysin O and S?
    • O: anaerobic, highly immunogenic
    • S: aerobic, non-immunogenic
  • What is the role of deoxyribonuclease (DNase) in Streptococcus pyogenes?
    Interferes with phagocytosis and spreads infection
  • What is the function of streptokinase?
    Lyses fibrin clots to escape infections
  • What does hyaluronidase do?
    Hydrolyzes hyaluronic acid in connective tissue
  • What are streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins also known as?
    Erythrogenic toxins
  • What is the effect of streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins?
    Causes a red spreading rash (scarlet fever)
  • How can hemolysis of RBC be observed in BAP?
    By making a pit in the agar for SLO
  • What is the significance of streptolysin S in hemolysis?
    It shows beta-hemolytic pattern on the surface
  • What is the immunogenicity of streptolysin O?
    Highly immunogenic, triggers immune response
  • What does streptolysin O serve as?
    An antigen that initiates immune response
  • What are the different classes of streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin?
    SpeA, SpeB, SpeC, and SpeF
  • How can hemolysis of RBC be observed in BAP?
    It can be seen in the subsurface