
Cards (69)

  • Muhammad is the founder of Islam. he was born in 570 C.E. in Saudia Arabian Peninsula.
  • He was born in the city of Mecca, one of the most important trading centers.
  • Was born into a tribe called the Quraysh (keepers of the Kaaba).
  • Muhammad has no dad and his mom dies at 6 years old.
  • His grandpa took care of him until he got sick . His uncles then took care of him.
  • His uncles were traders.
  • Muhammad became a shepherd and took care of sheeps and goats.
  • He then became a trader until the age 25 where he meets a wealthy widow. she was in charge of caravans and asked Muhammad to take care of them. she then asked to marry him and he said yes.
  • The Kaaba is a big black box. It has statues of god inside.
  • The Silk Road caused the spread of the Islamic religion.
  • Silk Road comes from Chang’an, China (Xi’an).
  • Some products traded were spices, silk, gun powder, metals, dyes such as purple, jewels and medicine.
  • Cippangu (Japan)
  • The wealthy widows name is Kadi’Jah.
  • Muhammad would go to Mt. Hira to relax in the cold caves, where he gets a message from angel gabriel (a revelation).
  • Christianity, Judaism, and zoroastrianism were already around in Persia(modern day Iran).
  • Gabriel says to Muhammad “Allah is one” and Muhammad is his profit and that he is one of the last profits.
  • Islam is monotheistic
  • Suras (revelations) the qur’an is their bible. Also spelled Kor’an.
  • Qur’an means reciting.
  • God spoke to Gabriel in Arabic
  • The qu’ran started with oral tradition. It wasn’t written until Muhammad died.
  • Muhammad died in 632 C.E. at 62.
  • Islam means obedience
  • Muslim means one who obeys
  • there are 114 suras
  • Even though there is a human dimension and there are differences, it doesn’t mean it’s all wrong. We should have a dialogue about the differences.
  • The school of translators started in Toledo Spain.
  • Gabriel also tells Muhammad “read” three times then says recite.
  • All suras are in Arabic and Muslims believe god speaks Arabic
  • If the suras are translated, it’s just an interpretation.
  • Qur’an was made 20 years after his death.
  • Qur’an is written in terms of length. The long revelations are in the beginning then the shorter ones are towards the end. Its in the order in which muhammad heard from god.
  • Muhammad was attacking the gods in the Kaaba because he was told that god is one. He tells the people of Mecca to get rid of everything.
  • Muhammad goes to Medina because he was kicked out of Mecca.
  • A hajj is a pilgrimage to mecca, in which all Muslims must do at least once.
  • The people of Medina worshiped Muhammad because he said that god said that they can defend themselves
  • Mecca wins one battle because Muhammad wasn’t following god.
  • Muhammad goes back to Mecca and tells them to only put one statue.
  • Muslims worship in mosques