Ester bond formed by condensation reaction between :● each of the three OH groups on the glycerol● the OH group of each fatty acid chainThey are non-polar
● insoluble in water — fatty acid chains are hydrophobic● bundle together as insoluble droplets — because the tails face inwards, and the glycerol heads shield them from the water ● hydrocarbon fatty acid chains can be saturated or unsaturated
● phosphate group is hydrophilic (attracts water)● the fatty acid chains are hydrophobic (repel water)— allows phospholipid to form bilayers which make up membranes in and around cells
Phospholipid heads are hydrophilic and their hydrophobic so
they form a double layer with their heads facing outwards the water either side— the centre of the bilayer of cell membranes is hydrophobic so water soluble substances can't easily pass through it