Cards (30)

  • what are the three types of memory?
    sensory, short term, long term.
  • in what three ways do the types of memory differ?
    coding, capacity, duration.
  • what are the two ways information is coded?
    semantically and acoustically.
  • where is sensory information recieved?
    in the sense organs.
  • name the 5 sensory stores.
    echoic, iconic, haptic, guastory, olfactory.
  • is the sensory register coded?
  • what is the capacity of the sensory register?
  • what is the duration for the sensory register?
  • what evidence supports the idea that the sensory stores are separate?
    • you can lose one sense and keep the rest.Crowder 1993 proved memories are retained in stores for different lengths of time.
  • how does information transfer from the SR to STM?
    when attention is applied.
  • how is STM coded?
  • what is the capacity for STM?
    limited (between 5-9).
  • how can the capacity of STM be increased?
  • who are the two main psychologists who researched capacity in STM?
    Jacobs (1887) and Miller.
  • how did Joseph Jacobs 1887 research capacity in STM?
    he measured digit span and found the mean remembrance for numbers is 9.3 and letters is 7.3.
  • how did Miller research capacity of STM?
    he believed things came in 7s e.g. days of the week so we should remember 7+- 2 units.
  • what is the duration of STM?
    Limited, around 18-30 seconds.
  • who researched duration of STM?
    Peterson and Peterson (1959).
  • How did Peterson and Peterson study the duration of STM?
    24 students were given a consonant syllable and a three digit number. they were asked to count backwards from the number and then recall the consonant syllable after varying durations of time. after 3s recall was 80% but after 18s it dropped to 3%.
  • how is information transferred from STM to LTM?
    prolonged rehearsal.
  • how is LTM coded?
  • what is the capacity for LTM?
  • what is the duration for LTM?
    potentially permanent.
  • who researched duration of LTM?
    Bahrick et al (1975).
  • how did Bharick study duration of LTM?
    392 17-24 year olds were provided with a range of photos and asked to pick who they graduated with. they were 90% accurate if they graduated >15 years ago, and 70% accurate if they graduated >48 years another variation they were asked to freely recall names, those who graduated >15 years ago were 60% accurate, and >48 years ago 30% accurate.
  • who researched the idea that coding was separate in STM and LTM?
    Alan Baddeley (1966) proved that acoustically similar words were harder to recall in short term and semantically similar words are harder to recall in long term.
  • name one strength of the MSM.
    the research which shows all the above information is true.
  • name 3 weaknesses of the MSM.
    • research lacks ecological validity. • studies show there is more than one STM store. • studies show elaborative rehearsal is needed for transfer to LTM (not prolonged).
  • what research shows that there is more than one STM store?
    Shallice and Warrington (1970) patient KF suffered amnesia, subsequently his recall of digits in the STM was poor when given audibly, but was normal when given to him visually.
  • what research shows that elaborative research is needed for transfer from STM to LTM not prolonged?

    Craik and Watkins (1973) they found that the type of rehearsal was more important, and that elaborative rehearsal (linking new information to existing knowledge/giving it meaning) is essential for transfer. therefore the MSM doesn't fully explain how long term storage is achieved and is too simplistic.