Bioenergetics GCSE

Cards (87)

  • Cellular respiration
    Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules
  • Exothermic reaction

    A reaction that releases energy to its surroundings, usually in the form of heat
  • Aerobic respiration

    Cell respiration which happens in the presence of oxygen in the mitochondria of the cell
  • Word equation for aerobic respiration
    Glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water (+energy)
  • Balanced chemical equation for aerobic respiration
    C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O
  • Anaerobic respiration
    Cell respiration which happens in the absence of oxygen
  • Word equation for anaerobic respiration
    Glucose -> lactic acid (+energy)
  • Lactic acid
    A toxic waste product that is produced during anaerobic respiration in humans and can cause muscle fatigue
  • Incomplete oxidation
    Occurs during anaerobic respiration causing a build up of lactic acid in the muscles
  • Fermentation
    Anaerobic respiration in plant and yeast cells which produces ethanol and carbon dioxide
  • Word equation for fermentation
    Glucose -> carbon dioxide + ethanol (+energy)
  • Uses of fermentation
    The manufacture of bread and alcoholic drinks
  • Liver
    Receives blood from the muscles with lactic acid and converts the lactic acid back into glucose
  • Oxygen debt
    The amount of extra oxygen the body needs after exercise to react with the accumulated lactic acid
  • Effect of exercise
    Increased heart rate, breathing rate and breath volume to supply the muscles with more oxygen
  • Organisms need energy for
    Movement, keeping warm and chemical reactions to make larger molecules
  • Glucose (C6H12O6)

    The main reactant of respiration that is obtained from the digestion of carbohydrates
  • Oxygen (O2)

    A molecule that is essential for the complete oxidation of glucose in aerobic respiration
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)

    A waste product of respiration that is removed from cells and the body via gas exchange
  • Water (H2O)

    A byproduct of respiration that is either used or removed from the body typically during exhalation or urination
  • Metabolism
    The sum of all the reactions in a cell or the body
  • Metabolism includes
    The synthesis of new molecules, the breakdown of existing molecules and the process of respiration
  • Energy transferred by cellular respiration
    Is used by organisms for the continual enzyme-controlled processes of metabolism
  • Enzymes and metabolism
    Enzymes regulate most cellular reactions and are essential for the synthesis and breakdown of molecules
  • Conversion of glucose to complex carbohydrates
    Glucose can be converted into starch, glycogen and cellulose
  • Formation of lipid molecules
    One molecule of glycerol joins with three fatty acids
  • Amino acid production
    Glucose and nitrate ions form amino acids which are used to make proteins
  • Protein synthesis
    Amino acids join together in specific arrangements to form proteins
  • Urea excretion
    Excess proteins are broken down to form urea for excretion
  • Digestion
    Requires energy from respiration to break down large insoluble molecules into smaller soluble molecules
  • Carbohydrates
    Provide energy for chemical reactions and can break down into sugars
  • Proteins
    The building blocks of cells and tissues that can break down into amino acids
  • Lipids
    An energy store of fats and oils that can break down into glycerol and fatty acids
  • Photosynthesis
    A process where plants and algae synthesise glucose from carbon dioxide and water, using light energy from the sun
  • Photosynthesis word equation
    Carbon dioxide + water (+light energy) -> glucose + oxygen
  • Balanced equation for photosynthesis
    6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2
  • Glucose (C6H12O6)

    The main chemical product of photosynthesis that has many different uses in a plant, including respiration
  • Oxygen (O2)

    A waste product of photosynthesis that leaves the plant through the stomata of the leaves or can be used for respiration
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)

    A reactant needed for photosynthesis to synthesise glucose, this gas enters the plant via gas exchange through the stomata of the leaves
  • Water (H2O)

    A reactant needed for photosynthesis to take place, water is absorbed by the roots and is transported by the xylem to reach the leaves where photosynthesis occurs