
Cards (28)

  • What is the focus of the study of psychopathology?
    Psychological disorders
  • Why is it important to define abnormality?
    To diagnose and help those unwell
  • What are the four key definitions of abnormality?
    1. Statistical deviation
    2. Deviation from social norms
    3. Failure to function adequately
    4. Deviation from ideal mental health
  • What is the first definition of abnormality discussed?
    Statistical deviation
  • What does statistical deviation focus on?
    How infrequent abnormal behavior is
  • How is rarity determined in statistical deviation?
    By looking at statistics and normal distributions
  • What shape does a normal distribution curve have?
    Bell-shaped curve
  • What percentage of the population has an IQ between 85 and 115?
  • Why might high intelligence be considered abnormal?
    It is statistically rare
  • What is a strength of the statistical deviation definition?
    It is objective and clear-cut
  • What is a limitation of the statistical deviation definition?
    It can label desirable behavior as abnormal
  • What is the second definition of abnormality discussed?
    Deviation from social norms
  • How does deviation from social norms define abnormality?
    By societal expectations of behavior
  • What might happen if someone wears beach attire to work?
    They may be considered abnormal
  • What is a strength of the deviation from social norms definition?
    It is flexible and adapts to society
  • What is a limitation of the deviation from social norms definition?
    It lacks objectivity and is subjective
  • What is ethnocentrism in the context of abnormality?
    Judging other cultures by one's own standards
  • What is the third definition of abnormality discussed?
    Failure to function adequately
  • What does failure to function adequately refer to?
    Inability to cope with everyday demands
  • What are two criteria for determining failure to function adequately?
    Personal distress and irrationality
  • What is the fourth definition of abnormality discussed?
    Deviation from ideal mental health
  • What does deviation from ideal mental health focus on?
    Criteria for good psychological health
  • What are the criteria for ideal mental health according to Marie Jahoda?
    • Accurate perception of reality
    • Self-actualization
    • Positive attitude to oneself
    • Environmental mastery
    • Autonomy
    • Resisting stress
  • What is a limitation of the deviation from ideal mental health definition?
    It sets unrealistically high standards
  • Why is the deviation from ideal mental health definition considered ethnocentric?
    It reflects Western individualistic values
  • What are the implications of cultural bias in defining abnormality?
    • Misdiagnosis of individuals from different cultures
    • Lack of culturally appropriate services
    • Increased social exclusion and poor mental health outcomes
  • What should be done to better understand definitions of abnormality?
    Share examples and experiences
  • What is the next topic to be explored in the series?
    Signs and symptoms of phobias, depression, and OCD