Initiation in a free radical reaction involves the production of radicals, normally using visible light or ultraviolet, and these are called photochemical reactions.
Sulphur dioxide can be removed from things like chimneys and factories using a process called wet scrubbing, where we use an arc I to neutralize the sulfur dioxide in the flue gases.
Photochemical smog is a respiratory system harm caused by nitrogen oxides and oxides of nitrogen, which are caused by nitrogen and oxygen reacting under high pressure and temperature in the engine.
Catalytic converters can help remove or reduce the amount of unburned hydrocarbons that haven't quite burnt in the engine and they can prevent the oxides of nitrogen from going into the atmosphere because they can react them and try and reduce the levels of them.
These new radicals then go on to react with other non-radicals, which is why this reaction is called a chain reaction because it literally just keeps going and going.