Types of religious experiences

Cards (5)

  • What are some different types of religious experiences?
    • visions
    • mystical experiences
    • numinous
    • dreams
    • feeling a sense of calling
    • Answering of prayers
    • hearing voices
    • near death experiences
  • Who came up with the five types of religious experiences?
    Richard Swinburne
  • What did Richard Swinburne say are the five types of religious experiences?
    • a normal, non-religious object or event
    . e.g. light, child birth, etc
    • an unusual public object or event
    . e.g. speak in tongues -> speaking in a language that one has never learnt
    • a private experience describable by normal vocabulary
    . e.g. a dream
    • a private experience not describable by normal vocabulary
    . e.g. mystical experiences, love
    • non-sensory experience
  • What did Swinburne believe?
    That all religious experiences could be classified as one of the five types.
  • What are possible criticisms of religious experiences?
    . imagination only
    . under the influence of drugs & alcohol
    . could just be a dream
    . wishful filment - anxiety
    . manifesting
    . want to feel part of a community
    . memorised wrong - interpret in a way you want to interpret based on the current views of the world
    . mental/physical illness