Optical isomerism is a form of stereoisomerism, meaning optical isomers have the same structural formula but a different arrangement of atoms in space.
Optical isomers are mirror images of each other and they have a chiral carbon.
A chiral carbon is a carbon in the middle of a molecule with four different groups attached to it, which can be arranged in two different ways, forming two different molecules, known as enantiomers.
Molecules of the chiral Center are optically active, promoting plane polarized light.
Chiral molecules cannot superimpose.
If a molecule is chiral, it will have two mirror images.
Molecules with chiral centers can have the same molecular formula and functional groups, making it difficult to spot them.
Polarized light is used to detect chiral centers.
Chiral centers are drawn in a tetrahedral 3D shape and represented as mirror images.
Chiral centers are identified by finding four different groups surrounding a carbon atom.
Enantiomers are mirror images of each other and are non-superimposable, meaning they cannot be moved across each other and will not fully superimpose.
Hands have a chiral center and are mirror images of each other.
Racemic mixtures are often made by reacting chiral substances together.
Optically active compounds can be identified by shining light through them and observing the rotation of plane polarized light.
If an optically active compound is present in a solution, it will cause the plane polarized light to rotate.
A plane polarized light is blocked by a Polaroid filter, allowing only one orientation to pass through.
If there is an equal amount of each enantiomer in a solution, it is called Erasmus and the plane polarized light does not rotate.
The degree of rotation of the plane polarized light is the same for both enantiomers.