3.6C: Opposition to Globalisation

Cards (5)

  • Protest groups such as Occupy Wall Street and the Global Justice Movement argue that globalisation has dramatically increased resource consumption through exploiting the natural environment, leading to problems like deforestation, water pollution, global warming and biodiversity loss.
  • Protest groups argue that globalisation has exploited workers, especially in emerging countries, who suffer low wages, dangerous working conditions and lack any form of union representation.
  • Protest groups argue that globalisation has passed political and economic power into the hands of TNCs and uncaring governments, especially at the expense of ordinary people.
  • Protest groups argue that globalisation has created increased inequality, with a small group of very rich, powerful people (sometimes called the 1%) at the expense of others.
  • Protest groups argue that globalisation has caused cultural erosion, meaning that traditional lifestyles are degraded by the spread of western culture, and local dress, art and architectural styles are lost.