the certain amount of energy needed to be supplied to the chemicals before the reaction will start— in a chemical reaction— it’s often provided as heat
the amount of activation energy that’s needed— often making reactions happen at a lower temperature than they could without an enzyme— speeds up the rate of reaction
When a substrate fits into the enzyme's active site it forms an enzyme-substrate complex this lowers the activation energy because
● If two substrate molecules need to be joined— being attached to the enzyme holds them close together— reducing any repulsion between the molecules so they can bond more easily● If the enzyme is catalysing a breakdown reaction— fitting into the active site puts a strain on bonds in the substrate— so the substrate molecule breaks up more easily
Scientists soon realised that the lock and key model didn't give the full story
● The enzyme and substrate do have to fit together ● new evidence showed that the enzyme-substrate complex changed shape slightly to complete the fit— This locks the substrate even more tightly to the enzyme● Scientists modified the old lock and key model and came up with the ‘induced fit’ model
● Enzymes only work with substrates that fit their active site● Early scientists studying the action of enzymes came up with the ‘lock and key’ model— where the substrate fits into the enzyme in the same way that a key fits into a lock — the active site and the substrate have a complementary shape
● helps to explain why enzymes are so specific and only bond to one particular substrate ● The substrate doesn’t only have to be the right shape to fit the active site— it has to make the active site change shape in the right way ● example of how a widely accepted theory can change with new evidence
e.g one substrate molecule goes into the active site and two products come out— After the products are released, the active site returns to its original shape and can bind to the next substrate molecule
e.g two substrate molecules go into the active site, bind together and one product comes out— After the products are released, the active site returns to its original shape and can bind to the next substrate molecule
Enzymes usually only catalyse one reaction because
● only one complementary substrate will fit into the active site— if the substrate shape doesn’t match the active site— an enzyme-substrate complex won’t be formed — the reaction won’t be catalysed
the shape of the active site will change— means the substrate won’t fit into the active site— an enzyme-substrate complex won’t be formed — enzyme will no longer be able to carry out its function
● molecules move faster● makes the substrate molecules more likely to collide with the enzymes’ active sites ● energy of these collisions also increases— means each collision is more likely to result in a reaction