● active transport — e.g. to transport solutes from their leaves● DNA replication ● cell division ● protein synthesis
Animals need energy for things like
●active transport — e.g. to absorb glucose from the ileumepithelium into the bloodstream ● DNA replication ●cell division●protein synthesis
the process of plant and animal cells releasing energy from glucose
A cell can't get its energy directly
from glucose
In respiration, the energy released from glucose is used to
make ATP — adenosine triphosphate
ATP is made from
●the nucleotide base adenine ●a ribose sugar ●three phosphate groups— known as a nucleotide derivative because it’s a modified form of a nucleotide
Once made, ATP diffuses
to the part of the cell that needs energy
The energy in ATP is stored in
high energy bonds between the phosphate groups — released via hydrolysis reactions
nucleotide derivative
modified form of a nucleotide
The structures of
Inorganic Phosphate
a single phosphate
When energy is needed by a cell, ATP is broken down into
● ADP (adenosine diphosphate) ● Pi (inorganic phosphate)— This is a hydrolysis reaction
When ATP is broken down
● a phosphate bond is broken ● energy is released— reaction is catalysed by the enzyme ATP hydrolase
ATP hydrolysis can be 'coupled' to other energy-requiring reactions in the cell
means the energy released can be used directly to make the coupled reaction happen— rather than being lost as heat
when the released inorganic phosphate is added to another compound — often makes the compound more reactive
ATP can be resynthesised in
a condensation reaction between ADP and Pi— happens during both respiration and photosynthesis— catalysed by the enzyme ATP synthase
● Adenosine monophosphate — has one phosphate● Adenosine diphosphate — has two phosphates● Adenosine triphosphate — has three phosphates
In a cell there's a constant cycle between
● ADP and Pi ● ATP— allows energy to be stored and released as it’s needed
ATP is a store of energy
● Energy is used to make ATP● released when ATP is hydrolysed to ADP and Pi
ATP releases a small but sufficient amount of energy (75.8 kj mol-¹ from the complete hydrolysis of ATP)
● enough energy to drive important metabolic reactions● while keeping energy wastage low
ATP exists as a stable molecule
● doesn't break down unless a catalyst (ATPase) is present— so energy won't be wasted
ATP can be recycled
● the breakdown of ATP is a reversible reaction — ATP can be reformed from ADP and Pi ● means the same molecule can be used elsewhere in the cell for different reactions
ATP hydrolysis is quick and easy
allows cells to respond to a sudden increase in energy demand
ATP is soluble and moves easily within cells
can transport energy to different areas of the cell
ATP forms phosphorylated intermediates
● can make metabolites more reactive● lower activation energy required for a reaction