2A cells

Cards (76)

  • are eukaryotic cells simple or complex?
  • are eukaryotes unicellular or multicellular?
    they can be both.
  • name 4 types of eukaryotic cells.



  • Describe the structure of the nucleus.
    Large organelle surrounded by a nuclear envelope double membrane that contains pores. The nucleus contains chromosomes (thread like structures of DNA wrapped around histones) and a nucleolus.
  • Describe the structure of the mitochondria.
    Oval shaped organelle with a double membrane - an outer membrane and a cristae (inner membrane), with the matrix in the innermost part of the mitochondria.
  • Describe the structure of the SER.
    A system of membranes enclosing a fluid filled spaced. Contains no ribosomes.
  • Describe the structure of the RER.
    A system of membranes enclosing a fluid filled spaced. Covered in ribosomes.
  • Describe the structure of the cell surface membrane.
    Fluid mosaic phospholipid bilayer with extrinsic and intrinsic proteins embedded.
  • Describe the structure of the ribosome.
    Small free floating organelle (unless attached to the RER). Made of proteins and RNA. Not surrounded by a membrane.
  • Describe the structure of the Golgi.
    A group of fluid filled membrane-bound flattened sacs. Vesicles are often at the end of the sacs.
  • Name 4 organelles found in plants and not animals.
    Cellulose cell wall.



  • Describe the structure of the cell wall.

    A rigid structure that surrounds cells in plants algae and fungi. Made of cellulose apart from in fungi its made of chitin.
  • Describe the structure of the chloroplast.

    Small flattened structure surrounded by a double membrane. Inside contains thylakoid membranes which stack to form grana. Grana are linked by thin flat pieces of thylakoid membrane called lamellae.
  • Describe the structure of the cell vacuole.
    Membrane bound organelle (the membrane is called the tonoplast) filled with cell sap - a weak solution of sugar and salts.
  • Which cell is an algal cell most similar to?
  • What are two similarities between algal and plant cells.
    Contain the same organelles. Carry out photosynthesis.
  • What are the differences between algal and plant cells?
    Algal - can be uni + multicellular.- free moving.- non-vascular. (No xylem or phloem).Plant- only multicellular. Tethered to soil by roots. - extensive vascular system.
  • What are the differences between fungal and plant cells?
    Fungal - cell wall made of chitin.- no chloroplasts.Plant- cell wall made of cellulose. - contains chloroplasts.
  • Describe the function of the cell surface membrane.
    Regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell. Contains receptor molecules which allow it to respond to chemicals like hormones.
  • Describe the function of the nucleus.
    Controls the cell activity through DNA transcription. The pores allow substances to move between the nucleus and cytoplasm. The nucleolus makes ribosomes.
  • Describe the function of the mitochondria.
    The site of aerobic respiration where ATP is produced.
  • Describe the function of chloroplast.
    The site of photosynthesis.
  • Describe the function of Golgi.
    Processes and packages new lipids and makes lysosomes. The vesicles store and transport the lipids and proteins made from the Golgi.
  • Describe the function of a lysosome.
    Contain hydrolytic enzymes which digest invading cells and break down worn out cell components.
  • Describe the function of ribosomes.
    site of protein synthesis.
  • Describe the function of the RER.
    Folds and processes proteins that were made at ribosomes.
  • Describe the function of the SER.
    Syntheses and processes lipids.
  • Describe the function of the cell wall.
    Supports cells and prevents them from changing shape.
  • Describe the function of the cell vacuole.
    Helps to maintain pressure inside the cell and keeps it rigid, stopping it from wilting.
  • What is the process that prokaryote replicate by?
    Binary fission.
  • Describe the process of binary fission.
    The circular DNA duplicates and plasmids replicate. Cell expands.DNA loops are pulled by the spindle fibres to opposite poles of the cell. Cytoplasm begins to divide (cytokinesis) and new cell wall begins to form. Cytoplasm divides and two generically identical daughter cells are produced.
  • Why are viruses not considered living?
    They cannot reproduce by themselves.
  • Name three components of viruses.
    Genetic material. Protein coat (capsid). Attachment proteins.
  • What makes up the genetic material of viruses?
    either dna or rna.
  • What is the function of attachment proteins on viruses?

    They help the virus to attach to host cells allowing them to replicate.
  • Describe the process of viral replication.
    Viruses attach to host cells via attachment and receptor proteins. Genetic material is released into the host cell. Genetic material and proteins are replicated by host cell machinery. Viral components assemble. Replicated viruses are released from host cell.
  • What is cell fractionation for?
    To separate one organelle from the rest of the cell.
  • What are the three steps in cell fractionation?
    Homogenisation, filtration, ultracentrifugation.
  • What is the first step of cell fractionation?
    Homogenisation - breaking up the cell. The tissue is minced into small pieces and placed into a cold isotonic buffered solution. It is then grounded into smaller pieces in a homogeniser (blender) to release the organelles from the cell.
  • Why is cell fractionation homogenisation solution cold?
    To reduce the activity of the enzymes that decompose organelles.