Structure of eukaryotic cells

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  • All living organisms are made of
    cells — have the same basic features in common— suggests that all living things evolved from the same common ancestor
  • Two main types of organism
    eukaryotes● prokaryotes
  • Prokaryotic organisms

    are prokaryotic cells — they’re single-celled
  • Eukaryotic organisms are made up of

    eukaryotic cells
  • Both Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells contain
  • Prokaryotic cells are
    smaller and simpler
  • Eukayotic cells are
  • Organelles are
    parts of cells — Each one has specific function — If you examine cell through an electron microscope can see organelles and the internal structure of most of them
  • Eukaryotic cells are

    generally bit more complicated than prokaryotic cells— have more organelles — e.g Animal, plant, algal and fungal cells
  • Organelles found in Animal Cells
    cell surface (plasma) membrane● lysosomerough endoplasmic reticulum● nucleolus● nucleussmooth endoplasmic reticulum● ribosomenuclear envelopegolgi apparatuscytoplasmmitochondrion
  • Plant cells have the same organelles as animal cells but with a few added extras
    ● A cellulose cell wall with plasmodesmata — channels for exchanging substances between adjacent cells ● vacuole — fluid filled compartment ● chloroplasts — organelles involved in photosynthesis
  • Organelles found in Plant Cells
    ● cell surface (plasma) membrane● rough endoplasmic reticulum● nucleolus● nucleus ● smooth endoplasmic reticulum● ribosome ● nuclear envelope ● golgi apparatus ● cytoplasm ● mitochondrion● cellulose cell wall● vacuole● chloroplasts
  • Algal cells can
    ● carry out photosynthesis — like plants● be unicellular e.g. Chlorella or multicellular e.g. seaweed — unlike plants
  • Algal cells are a lot like plant cells,

    they have all the same organelles — including cellulose cell wall and chloroplasts
  • Chloroplasts in many algal cells are
    a different shape and size to plant chloroplasts— e.g some algae have one large chloroplast rather than several smaller chloroplasts
  • Organelles found in Algal Cells
    cell surface (plasma) membrane● rough endoplasmic reticulum● nucleolus● nucleussmooth endoplasmic reticulum● ribosomenuclear envelopegolgi apparatuscytoplasmmitochondrion● cellulose cell wall● vacuole● chloroplasts
  • You might also see starch grains in plant cells because

    ● although they're not organells● Plants use them to store excess sugars
  • Fungi can be
    multicellular — e.g. mushrooms or● unicellular — e.g. yeast
  • Fungal cells are also lot like plant cells but with two key differences
    ● their cell walls are made with chitin — not cellulose ● they don't have chloroplasts — because they don't photosynthesise
  • Organelles found in Fungal Cells
    ribosome● cell-surface membranerough endoplasmic recticulumnucleolus● mitochondriongolgi apparatussmooth endoplasmic reticulum● nucleuscytoplasmchitin cell wallnuclear envelope● vacuole
  • The plural of nucleus is
  • The plural of nucleolus is
  • Cell surface membrane (plasma membrane)

    ● The membrane found on the surface of animal cells and inside the cell wall of other cells ● It's made mainly lipids and protein
  • Function of the Cell surface membrane
  • Nucleus
    ● A large organelle surrounded by nuclear envelope (double membrane) which contains many pores ● The nucleus contains chromosomes — made from protein bound linear DNA and one or more structure (s) called a nucleolus
  • Nucleus Function
    controls the cell's activities by controlling the transcription of DNADNA contains instructions to make protiens● The pores allow substances (e.g. RNA) — to move between the nucleus and the cytoplasm — the nucleolus makes ribosomes
  • Mitochondrion
    ● usually oval - shaped ● have a double membrane — the inner one is folded to form structures called cristae— inside is the matrix which contains enzymes involved in respiration
  • Mitochondrion Function
    ● The site of aerobic respiration ● Aerobic respiration produces ATP — common energy source in the cell ● Mitochondria found in large numbers in cells that are very active and require a lot of energy
  • Chloroplast
    ● small flattened structure● found in plant cells and algal cells● surrounded by double membrane — also has membranes inside called thylakoid membranes● These membranes are stacked up in some parts of the chloroplast to form grana ● Grana are linked together by lamellae — thin, flat pieces of thylakoid membrane
  • Lamellae
    thin, flat pieces of thylakoid membrane
  • Chloroplast Function
    ● The site where photosynthesis takes place — Some parts of photosynthesis happen in the grana and other parts happen in the stroma
  • Stroma
    thick fluid found in chloroplasts
  • Golgi apparatus
    ● A group of fluid filled membrane-bound flattened sacsVesicles are often seen at the edges of the sacs
  • Golgi apparatus Function
    ● It processes and packages new lipids and proteins● also makes lysosomes
  • Golgi vesicle
    ● small fluid-filled sac in the cytoplasm● surrounded by a membrane ● produced by the Golgi apparatus
  • Golgi vesicle Function
    ● Stores lipids and proteins made by the Golgi apparatus● transports them out of the cell — via the cell surface membrane
  • Lysosome
    ● round organelle surrounded by a membrane with no clear internal structure ● a type of Golgi vesicle
  • Lysosome Function
    ● Contains digestive enzymes — called lysozymes ● These are kept separate from the cytoplasm by the surrounding membrane and can be used— to digest invading cells or — to break down worn out components of the cell
  • Ribosome
    ● A very small organelle that floats free in the cytoplasm or● is attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum ● It's made up of proteins and RNA ● It's not surrounded by a membrane
  • Ribosome Function
    The site where proteins are made