3.2.2 All cells arise from other cells

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  • multicellular organisms not all cells keep their ability to

    divide — the ones that do follow a process called the cell cycle
  • The cell cycle
    ● Starts when a cell has been produced by cell divisionEnds with the cell dividing to produce two identical cells
  • The cell cycle consists of a
    ● a period of cell growth and DNA replication — called interphase and ● a period of cell division — called mitosis
  • Interphase (cell growth) is

    ● subdivided into three separate growth stages — G1— SG2
  • Stage 1 : The Cell CycleMitosis
    the cycle starts and ends here
  • Stage 2 : The Cell CycleG1 (Gap Phase 1)

    cell grows and new organelles and proteins are made
  • Stage 3 : The Cell Cycle — S (Synthesis)

    cell replicates its DNA — ready to divide by mitosis
  • Stage 4 :The Cell CycleG2 (gap phase 2)

    cell keeps growing and proteins needed for cell division are made
  • During Interphase
    the cell carries out normal functions but also prepares to divide
  • During interphase the

    ● cell's DNA is unravelled and replicated — to double its genetic content ● The organelles are also replicated — so it has spare ones● cells ATP content is increased
  • ATP provides
    the energy needed for cell division
  • Two types of cell division
  • Mitosis the form of cell division that occurs during
    the cell cycle
  • In mitosis
    a parent cell divides to produce two genetically identical daughter cells — they contain an exact copy of the DNA of the parent cell
  • Mitosis needed for
    ● the growth of multicellular organisms ● repairing damaged tissues
  • The cells in our bodies
    grow and divide
  • Mitosis is
    ● really one continuous process● described as a series of division stages— prophasemetaphaseanaphasetelophase
  • The chromosomes are made of
    two strands joined in the middle by a centromere ● The separate strands are — called chromatids ● Two strands on the same chromosome are — called sister chromatids
  • Chromatids
    the separate strands
  • Sister Chromatids
    Two strands on the same chromosome
  • Prophase
  • Metaphase
  • Anaphase
  • Telophase
  • Cytokenisis
    in animal cells
  • Cytokenis
    in plant cells
  • A plant root tip is constantly growing so you'd expect a high mitotic index
    ● you'd expect a high mitotic index — i.e. lots of cells in mitosis● In other tissue samples , a high mitotic index could mean that tissue repair is taking place or that there is cancerous growth in the tissue
  • Stage 1 : MitosisProphase
    Centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell● Nuclear envelope starts to break down
  • Stage 1 : MitosisProphase
    ● The chromosomes condense — getting shorter and fattercentrioles start moving to opposite ends of the cell — forming a network of protein fibres across called the spindle● The nuclear envelope breaks down and chromosomes lie free in the cytoplasm
  • Nuclear envelope
    the membrane around the nucleus
  • Centrioles
    Tiny bundles of protein
  • There are two strands because

    each chromosome has already made an identical copy of itself during interphase — When mitosis over , the chromatids end up as one strand chromosomes in the new daughter cells
  • Stage 2 : MitosisMetaphase
    ● The chromosomes — each with two chromatids ● line up along the middle of the cell and become attached to the spindle by their centromere
  • Stage 3 : Mitosis — Anaphase
    ● The centromeres divide — separating each pair of sister chromatids ● The spindles contract — pulling chromatids to opposite poles (ends) of the spindle centromere — this makes the chromatids appear v shaped
  • Stage 4 : MitosisTelophase
    ● The chromatids reach the opposite poles on the spindle — They uncoil and become long and thin again— They're now called chromosomes again● nuclear envelope forms around each group of chromosomes — are now two nuclei
  • Stage 5 : Mitosis — Cytokinesis
    ● starts in anaphase and finishes at telophase ● There are now two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the original cell and to each other● Mitosis is finished and each daughter cell starts the interphase part of the cell cycle — to get ready for the next round of mitosis
  • Cytokenisis
    Division of the cytoplasm
  • Phases of mitosis
    prophasemetaphase● anaphasetelophase
  • The time taken for each stage of mitosis varies depending on
    the cell type and the environmental conditions
  • Example : How long does each stage of mitosis take ?