● cell's DNA is unravelled and replicated — to double its genetic content ● The organelles are also replicated — so it has spare ones● cells ATP content is increased
two strands joined in the middle by a centromere ● The separate strands are — called chromatids ● Two strands on the same chromosome are — called sister chromatids
A plant root tip is constantly growing so you'd expect a high mitotic index
● you'd expect a high mitotic index — i.e. lots of cells in mitosis● In other tissue samples , a high mitotic index could mean that tissue repair is taking place or that there is cancerous growth in the tissue
● The chromosomes condense — getting shorter and fatter ● centrioles start moving to opposite ends of the cell — forming a network of protein fibres across called the spindle● The nuclear envelope breaks down and chromosomes lie free in the cytoplasm
each chromosome has already made an identical copy of itself during interphase — When mitosis over , the chromatids end up as one strand chromosomes in the new daughter cells
● The centromeres divide — separating each pair of sister chromatids ● The spindles contract — pulling chromatids to opposite poles (ends) of the spindle centromere — this makes the chromatids appear v shaped
● The chromatids reach the opposite poles on the spindle — They uncoil and become long and thin again— They're now called chromosomes again● nuclear envelope forms around each group of chromosomes — are now two nuclei
● starts in anaphase and finishes at telophase ● There are now two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the original cell and to each other● Mitosis is finished and each daughter cell starts the interphase part of the cell cycle — to get ready for the next round of mitosis