As currents heats metal coil, resistance increases as vibrating ions and electrons make it harder for charge carriers to pass through so therefore gradient gets shallower to signify increasing resistance
Increase voltage and current increases causing rise in temperature causing release of charge particles causing decrease in Resistance and hence graph gets steeper.
1) measure wire diameter at 3 places using a micrometer.2) clamp test wire to rule with circuit attached to the wire at zero end of the ruler.3) attach flying lead at different points along the wire and measure p.d. and current to calculate resistance.4) repeat measurements at different lengths along the wire from 0.1m to 1.0m.5) Plot results on graph of resistance against length and draw line of best fit.6) Gradient =resistivity/ areas so times gradient by cross sectional area to give resistivty.
How do you calculate Internal resistance and EMF in a circuit?
1) Vary current in circuit by changing load resistance using variable resistance.2) Measure p.d and for several currents.3) Record V and I in a table, plot on graph.4) Rearrange V=-rI+emf, vertical axis intercept is emf.5) gradient = -r