AO3: Genetic factors

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Research support
    What? Research support for MAOA-L
    Who? Lea and Chambers; MAOA-L possessed by 56% New Zealand men and 34% Caucasians
    Why? Supports relationship
  • Limitation: Non-genetic factors
    What? Non-genetic factors crucial
    Who? Mertins; Knowledge of social norms partly determine aggression
    Why? Environmental factors
  • Limitation: Complex link
    What? Precise mechanism unclear in MAOA-serotonin link
    Who? Accurate to say serotonin distributed not lower
    Why? Relationship not fully understood
  • Limitation: Problems with twin studies
    What? Twin studies lack validity
    Who? Environments assumption; dizygotic assumed to share environment to same extent as monozygotic
    Why? Concordance rates inflated