Cards (18)

  • 1850: 285 ppm
  • 2009: 388 ppm
  • Over 450 ppm is tipping point
  • 350 ppm as intermediate goal
  • perennials like potato, sweet potato, chives. Avocado, pepper mint, ginger, broccoli, black pepper pineapple
  • Perennials - plants fast growing
  • Kyoto Protocol -was adopted in 1997 to decrease the consumption of greenhouse gases
  • Chemists Rowland and Molina - banning CFC
  • Former Uses of CFCs
    1. Coolants in air conditioners and refrigerators
    2. Propellants in aerosol cans
    3. Cleaning solutions for electronic parts
    4. Fumigants
    5. Bubbles in plastic packing foam
  • Set your water heater no higher than 49 degree celcius
  • Project Climate change Effects will last for at least 1,000 years
  • Support Global Warming
    Sea level rise in this century 4 to 8 inches
  • 2 °C - 3.6 F
  • 3 °C - 5.4 F
  • 4 °C - 7.2 F
  • 4 °C - 650 ppm
  • 2 °C - 450 ppm
  • 3 °C - 550 ppm