Feynman, an American Physicist discussed, “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom”.
Feynman - nanoscience
Atalla and Kahng - fabricated the first MOSFET
Taniguchi, coined the term "nanotechnology” to describe semiconductor processes such as film deposition and ion beam milling exhibiting characteristic control on the order of a nanometer.
Binnig and Rohrer -invention of Scanning Tunneling Microscope, an instrument used for imaging surfaces at the atomic level.
Dexler - Publication of the book Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
Iijima - discovery of carbon nanotube
Korean Researchers– The discovery of 3nm MOSFET, the worlds’ smallest nanoelectronic device was created
In Mesopotamia, nanoparticles were used for creating a glittering effect on the surface of pots.
In Rome, Lycurgus cup is made of a glass that changes colour when light gleamed through it
“ MayaBlue ” contains nanopores to create an environmentally stable pigment.
NANOTECHNOLOGY - The engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale.
NANOTECHNOLOGY - It is a Hybrid Science combining Engineering, Chemistry and to a certain extent Biology.
Nanoscience is the study of phenomena and manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular and macromolecular scales,
Nanotechnologies are the design, characterization, production and application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at nanometre scale.
one nanometer is a billionth of a meter, or 10-9 of a meter.
A sheet of newspaper is about 100,000 nanometers thick
TOP-DOWN - Etching a block of material down to the desired shape
TOP-DOWN - Chips and processors
BOTTOM-UP - Building materials atom by atom like lego
Persistence - Longevity of particles in the environment and body are unknown