Fairclough introduces the concept of 'synthetic personalisation', a technique that large corporations use to create a sense of friendship between themselves and their potential customers by addressing them on a personal level.
politeness theory - stated that the levels of politeness we use with others are often dependant on power relations - the more powerful they are, the more polite we are.
Goffman 1967:
face work theory - those in less powerful positions are more likely to perform face-saving acts (preventing others from feeling publicly embarrassed) for those with more power.
Sinclair + Coulthard 1975
introduced the ‘initiation - response - feedback model’ which states that we teacher (one with power) initiates the discourse by asking a question, the student (one without power) gives a response, + the teacher provides feedback.
Grice 1975
Grice’s conversational maxims, ‘The Gricean Maxims’ are based on Grice’s Cooperative Principle, which aims to explain how people achieve effective communication in everyday situations.
Grice introduced 4 conversational maxims:
maxim of quality
maxim of quantity
maxim of relevance
maxim of manner
these maxims can be flouted or violated -> e.g metaphor, mishearing someone, using vocab listener wont understand or lying.