Permanent and Induced magnets

Cards (9)

  • A magnetic material is any object that can be influenced by a magnetic field and has the potential to become a magnet.
  • Nickel, cobalt, and iron are common magnetic elements.
  • Steel and other alloys of these elements also count as magnetic materials.
  • A permanent magnet is any object that produces a magnetic field all the time.
  • An induced magnet is a piece of magnetic material that develops its own magnetic field when placed in the field of a permanent magnet.
  • The force between a permanent and induced magnets will always be attractive.
  • If an induced magnet is removed from the magnetic field, it will lose its magnetism.
  • Some magnetic materials like nickel and iron lose their magnetism really quickly and are called magnetically soft materials.
  • Steel and other alloys of these elements lose their magnetism more slowly and are called magnetically hard materials.