TheBiological Blueprint is the crucial aspects of the one's physical features including face, bodily structure
Heredity is the transmission of parents traits to offspring
Maturation is the completion of growth of genetic character within an organism
Cultural standards of beauty are from people in a wide range of cultures agrees on what is physically attractive in the human face
Symmetry is where the placement and size on what is physically attractive in the human face
Self image is a problem when your looks doesn't match your beauty standards
3 types of Theory of Developmental Task are Achievement emotional independence, prepare for career and/or marriage and accepts body image
Primary are sexual characteristics that is responsible on reproduction
Secondary are sexual organs and traits that develop at puberty and/are indirectly involved in human reproduction
The frogenous zones are body part that are particularly responsive to stimulation, resulting often in sexual excitement. Examples are forehead, eyelids, ears, neck, scalp, lips, abs, back of the knees, and feet
The testes begins to secrete androgen
The two ovaries begin to produce estrogen and progesterone
Greatest secretion occurs during ovulation
Biological sex is assigned at birth such as; Anatomy, Chromosomes and Hormones and in broader term Male and Female
Gender Roles is societal expectation of gender-racialized male and female
Gender Expression is communication of gender; Masculine and androgynous
Gender Identity is a psychological send of self, "brain gender" ; Man, genderqueer and woman
Sexual Orientation is a romantic attraction on same sex or opposite sex
Sexual expression is a sexual behavior on same sex or opposite sex
Sexual Identity is a self-identification such as; gay/lesbian, bisexual/pansexual, and heterosexual
Gender Identity is a person's innermost concept of self as being male, female or both. It also will or will not align with one's assigned biological sex.
Sexual Orientation is persons experience of being romantically, physically and emotionally attracted to people of the same sex or the opposite sex or neither.
Biological Sex is combination or hormones that are typically classified as male, female or intersex.Sex is usually assigned at birth based on person's visible external anatomy
Gender expression is how we express ourselves in the world. This include clothes that we wear and pronounce that we choose to use
Love is a cocktail of neurochemicals such as; Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Endorphin.
Dopamine is a is the great feeling that a reward is at hand. Releases energy for "the chase"
Oxytocin is the "love and attachment" chemical; stimulated by touch, trust, birth and sex
Serotonin is the pleasure of social dominance.
Serotonin is not aggression, but a calm sense that "I will get the reward"
Endorphins is a mask pain so you can do what it takes to survive.
Endorphins are "endogenous morphine" sources, but it's meant for EMERGENCIES.
Endorphins are stimulated by pain, exercise, crying and laughing