A homogeneous (balanced) equation in physics is where all the terms have the same unit, are separated by either an addition, subtraction or equals sign, and units are not affected by coefficients or numerical values.
Error margins are the admissible range of measurements and it is advisable not to use a measuring device that has a measurement error greater than the object you are measuring.
In a micrometre screw gauge, measure the larger scale and note answer in mm, record the value where the line meets the revolving structure, add the larger scale to the revolving structure.
Uncertainties are represented with ± (plus and minus) and when the absolute uncertainty is expressed as a percentage, it becomes a percentage uncertainty (no units).
The value for the quantity should be stated to the same number of decimal places as the uncertainty and when numbers are added or subtracted, always ADD the uncertainties (NEVER SUBTRACT UNCERTAINTIES).
The numerous types of subatomic particles are placed into two main categories depending on their properties: hadrons, which are influenced by the strong force, and leptons, which are not.
The principle of moments states that, for an object to be in rotational equilibrium, the sum of the clockwise moments about any point must equal the sum of the anticlockwise moments about that same point.
A couple consists of two forces, equal in magnitude but opposite in direction whose lines of action do not coincide (parallel), and the product between the force and the perpendicular distance is referred to as torque.
For a collision to be perfectly elastic, the relative speed of approach equals the relative speed of separation, and the total kinetic energy before the collision equals the total kinetic energy after the collision.