Giant ionic lattices conduct electricity when liquid but not when solid because in solid state the ions are in fixed positions and thus cannot move, while when they are in liquid state the ions are mobile and thus can freely carry the charge.
In simple molecular structures, atoms within the same molecule are held by strong covalent bonds and different molecules are held by weak intermolecular forces.
Permanent dipole-induced dipole interactions and permanent dipole-permanent dipole interactions are two interactions that can be referred to as Van der Waals’ forces.
London forces are caused by random movements of electrons and lead to instantaneous dipoles which induce a dipole in nearby molecules, causing induced dipoles to attract one another.
Conditions needed for hydrogen bonding to occur include an O-H, N-H or F-H bond, a lone pair of electrons on O, F, N, and because O, N and F are highly electronegative, the H nucleus is left exposed.
Water has a melting/ boiling point higher than expected because hydrogen bonds are stronger than other intermolecular forces, requiring extra strength to overcome the forces.