Cards (5)

  • KU
    One of the reasons given for administering punishments to individuals who break the law is safeguarding the public. The main aim of this measure is to protect society from individuals who have engaged in criminal activities and might pose a threat to others.Ā Along with imprisonment, there are various measures the authorities can take to help protect the public.
    • Examples include murderers being locked up for life & the death penalty
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    • The public perception of "protecting society" can lead to stigmatisation of certain groups, such as ex-offenders, creating barriers to their chances of rehabilitation within society.
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    • There may be concerns about the human rights of offenders who are being punished for their crimes. For example, in some countries, prisoners may be subject to inhumane treatment, such as torture or poor living conditions. This raises ethical concerns about the use of punishment as a means of protecting society.
    Ā Strong should protect the weak. Need to protect innocent people from harm, but also need to protect criminals from doing harm unto themselves.
    They may campaign for prison reform, visit prisoners, or vote for a political party that reflects their views on justice equality. Jesus taught in the parable of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:36) that people who help those in prison will go to Heaven.