Cards (16)

  • Post War Devastation:
    • USSR stripped them of machinery
    • economy was in ruins
    • food was 1/2 pre war levels
    • industrial output was 1/3 pre war levels
    • US$10 billion in reparations
    • east/west tensions due to a fear of communism
  • Recovery in the west and western advantages:
    • Bizonia 1947 => introduction of new economic policies
    • price and wage control removed
    • less strikes
    • advantages in industrial areas due to skilled labour and there being coal ==> given the Saar which was an industrial heartland
  • Ludwig Erhard:
    • director of German Economic Council of the Bizone
    • economic liberalism
    • free market capitalism
    • achieving what has often been called the German “economic miracle.”
    • special provisions for housing, farming, and social programs
  • The Recession to Boom 1949-1963:
    • currency reform + abolition of price control liberated the economy
    • steep price rise => affected the poorest
    • 1949-50 ==> forced recession -> 13.5%
    • 1952 ==> success of economic recovery
  • Economic Recovery: gross national product
    • 1950 - 1955 => doubled
    • motorisation
    • 1960 => 50% increase
  • Economic Recovery: economic growth
    • average annual growth 8%
    • 12% rise in 1955
  • Economic Recovery: agriculture
    • 2.5% increase in farming
    • substantial increase
  • Economic Recovery: balance of trade
    • rapid growth of exports
    • 3rd biggest trading power
    • DM (currency) was quite undervalued at first
  • Economic Recovery: employment
    • full employment till the 1970s
    • 2.5% in farming
    • at first unemployment went down by 1 million
    • increased by another 3 million
  • The economic miracle: Refugees
    • influx ==> mainly from the East
    • moderate incomes
    • highly motivated workers
  • The economic miracle: World Trade
    • Korean War allowed an increase in trade with America => need for German goods and raw material ==> domestic consumption increased also
    • European market opened up to West Germany
    • Marshal Plan Aid stopped by OEEC ==> West Germany wasn't reliant on it
  • The economic miracle: Industrial Peace
    • co-determination (employees have a role of management within the company)
    • Co-determination Law of 1951 - It provided for equal representation on the supervisory board of directors for workers and employers
    • Works' Constitution Law of 1952 - giving more powers for participation in personal and social affairs of company employees
    • number of strikes decreased -> rise in wages
  • The economic miracle: consumption demands
    • expanded enormously because there was an increase in wages
    • increase in consumerism ==> fridges, TVs, cars
  • The economic miracle: Financial Stability
    • Marshall Aid
    • Bundesbank helped keep the money stable
  • The economic miracle: Government Experience
    • Bundesbank in 1957 => provided financial stability by controlling the money in circulation and interest rates
    • government expenditure was lower than countries like Britain
    • didn't have to pay extensive reparations and its defence costs were limited
    • until they joined NATO in 1955
  • Marshall Aid:
    • was a stimulus for the economy
    • less than 5% of Germany's national income ==> US$ 2 billion
    • half of what Britain received
    • some argue that it was crucial