- Roy Jenkins became Labour secretary under Wilson in 65. Introduced many liberal laws: - censorship relaxed = - literature - lady chatterley's lover published in 1960 - cinema - pop - group movies grew more daring e.g. darling 1965 and a clockwork orange 1971 -theatre -TV - issues of sex, violence, politics and religion now tackled. However, many against this - Mary Whitehouse urged government to clean up TV - Abolition of death penalty 1969- Divorce law 1969: couples could divorce if they had lived apart for 2 years and both wanted it or they had lived apart for 5 years and one wanted it. By mid 70s, 1/2 marriages ended in divorce - Abortion act 1967 permitted legal termination of a pregnancy within the first 28 weeks, under medical supervision and with the written consent of 2 doctors - sexual offences act 1967 - allowed homosexual relations between consenting makes over she of 21